Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy 

Your privacy is of utmost importance to us, Smoke Vibes. We fully understand our customers' concerns regarding the privacy of the information they share with us. We hold our customers and the information they share with us in the highest regard. To better protect your privacy, we provide this notice explaining our information practices and the choices you can make about the way your information is collected and used. We are committed to ensuring that your personal information is properly safeguarded and complying with all applicable federal and state privacy laws. Please take a moment to read our Privacy Policy for a better understanding of the measures that we take to protect you and the information you share with us.

The following Privacy Policy describes information and privacy practices for Smoke Vibes. Please be aware that this site may contain links to other sites that are owned and operated by third parties. This Privacy Policy may not apply to those links or to other sites. These third-party sites have their own privacy policies and practices. We encourage you to read the privacy policies of these third-party sites to learn how they collect, use, share, and secure your information.

What information do we collect?

Smoke Vibes collects information about you to provide the best products and services possible. We are fully committed to improving the shopping experiences both at Smoke Vibes retail stores and online at

Smoke Vibes collects and may store any information you enter on our website, provide us in our retail stores, or submit to Smoke Vibes in any other way. For example, we collect information that you provide when you create an Account on our website, make an online or in-store purchase from us, send us an e-mail or call us, enter a contest, or participate in a survey. This information may include:

- Your name.

- Your mailing address.

- Your e-mail address.

- Your phone number.

- Your credit card number.

- A photocopy of your State Identification/Driver's License.

Smoke Vibes may receive information about you from other sources. These other sources may help to improve the quality or personalization of services that we provide to you.

How is information used and protected?

Our goal is to provide our customers with the highest level of service possible. From your first visit to our website to the delivery of your order, we want you to be completely satisfied with the experience without compromising your privacy.

Smoke Vibes uses your information to provide requested products and services to you and to support general business operations. Some examples of such usage include:

- To fulfill and process your orders and communicate with you regarding those orders.

- To schedule your deliveries.

- To service products.

- To send marketing communications.

- To open and service your Shopping Account.

- To provide high-quality customer service.

- To help us improve and customize what we offer to you, our site, and advertising.

- To send you information about our products, services, and promotions.

- To protect the security and integrity of our websites and our business.

- To process credit card information.

How may information be shared?

Smoke Vibes does not sell or rent your personal information to third parties. Smoke Vibes may share your personal information under the following limited circumstances:

- We may provide your information to a third party in the process of fulfilling an order for products or services you have placed with us. For example, we may provide your address to the shipping carrier where you have requested shipment for a purchase. Smoke Vibes only shares the necessary information with third parties to provide the requested products or services in your order.

- Smoke Vibes may share information in other special circumstances.

Smoke Vibes may change or add to its Privacy Policy from time to time. For this reason, we encourage you to periodically review the privacy policy. If you have any questions regarding the policy please email us at 

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